If you have a local business in Cottonwood AZ and you don’t have a responsive web design, you’re missing out on an upward trend that’s shaping businesses across America.
We all rely on the internet as a staple in everyday life, but the way we’re using the internet is changing. More and more consumers are looking on their phones for the next great business to become a patron at, but not all websites are designed for phones, tablets, or smart TVs. If your website only works on a desktop version, then you’re missing out. Half of all internet use is on a mobile device, a trend that’s only been growing since its inception.
Customers Want Immediate Information
If someone searches for your website from a mobile device, but your site doesn’t have a responsive design, you’re very likely to disengage with that potential sale. Your website will still appear, but not in a mobile-friendly format. This means they’ll have to scroll all around the page on their mobile phone, but they won’t. Instead, they’ll go to your competitor who’s listed in Google’s directory right beneath you, and utilize their responsive design instead. Your web design has to contour to the consumer’s needs, otherwise, it’s money walking.
It Shows Professionalism
Those who aren’t moving with technological advancements are often left behind. Your business could be a pillar of your industry, the name that everyone thinks about when they need that product or service. If you’re not readily available to them with responsive web design, they’ll miss out.
Your web design says something about you. It tells visitors how much you value your business, based on how your online image is. If you’re not paying close attention to your online presence, they’re likely to suspect you’re not that attentive to your actual business, either.
How do You Get Started?
Whether you already have a website or you need to revamp your old one, we’re here to help. Responsive design is a staple of modern-day business; you owe it to yourself, your customers, and your revenue stream to invest in your online appearance with responsive design – we can get you started.
AppScholar is here for all of your needs for a responsive and beautiful web design for your Cottonwood, AZ business. Give us a call 844-473-9428 or contact us with what type of digital help you are looking for. We look forward to helping your business succeed!